Frequently Asked Questions

What are my shared education savings?

Your shared education savings are designed to help employees of businesses working with University of Phoenix (UOPX) save money on education costs. Depending on your employer’s relationship with UOPX, you could save money on a specific or unlimited number of Undergraduate and Graduate-level courses at UOPX. Contact the financial services department to learn more.

What is my employer’s contribution to my tuition?

Every employer offers different types of employer benefits. Some employers will pay UOPX to cover tuition costs via direct billing, while others may reimburse employees for their tuition costs. Contact your employer’s HR representative(s) to learn more about the shared education savings your employer provides.

What is the University’s contribution to my tuition?

Depending on your employer’s relationship with UOPX, we may cover the cost of some of your courses. University tuition assistance will not begin until your max tuition, based on your employer’s relationship with us, is met. Additionally, UOPX will cover all your resource fees (electronic course material fees and books). Contact the financial services department to learn more.

What is my UOPX max tuition?

UOPX maxes your tuition costs at a specific dollar amount for a specific or unlimited number of courses to be taken within the calendar year. This max tuition must be met before UOPX starts covering the costs of any courses. This amount is different for all students and is based on your employer’s agreement with UOPX. The financial services department can tell you what your specific max tuition is and how much assistance UOPX will provide once it is met.

Contact your employer’s HR representative(s) for details regarding how much they might contribute to your max tuition and what requirements you must meet to receive that assistance.

Contributions to your max tuition can come from anywhere, including yourself, your employer or any other form of payment.

How do my shared education savings work?

Here’s how to gain the full benefit of your shared education savings. These benefits reset every calendar year (January 1 – December 31).

  1. The University must first receive all payments toward your max tuition, as agreed upon with your employer, before you begin receiving any tuition assistance from UOPX.
    1. This can potentially be the maximum you or your employer will pay for your courses in one calendar year based on the relationship we have with your employer.
    2. Max tuition payments can come from anywhere, including yourself, your employer or any other form of payment.
  2. Next, you should take as many courses as possible that are eligible for your shared education savings. The number of courses UOPX will cover the tuition costs for is based on your employer’s relationship with us.
    1. Once you meet your max tuition and complete 60% of each eligible course, you can expect to see this benefit reflected in your Financial Plan.
  3. While your max tuition can potentially be the maximum you or your employer will have to pay for your courses in one calendar year (depending on your employer’s tuition assistance contribution and deal with UOPX) you could take additional courses outside of your shared education savings for an additional cost.
    1. Even though taking more courses outside the scope of your shared education savings in a calendar year will incur additional costs, you would likely pay less than if you were to take the same number of courses without these benefits – still giving you more courses for less money.

Be sure to contact your employer’s HR representative(s) and the financial services department for more information on both employer and University shared education savings.

What happens if I take a course that starts in November or December and what could this impact?

If you have any courses starting in November or December that you anticipate your employer will cover, you should contact the financial services department as soon as possible.

Starting a course in November or December that is to be paid for by your employer could potentially result in unanticipated out-of-pocket costs in the next calendar year.

While UOPX will try its best to reach out to shared education savings students scheduled for courses like this, we encourage you to reach out to the financial services department today if you anticipate employer payment for a course starting in November or December.

Are there any negative impacts if I drop or receive a non-passing grade on a course?

Yes. Your employer may require a minimum grade for you to receive tuition assistance from them. They may also not provide assistance for any courses you withdraw or are removed from. Check with your employer’s HR representative(s) for more information on minimum grade requirements and the penalties for dropping or not passing a course.

UOPX will cover the cost for a specific number of classes, based on our relationship with your employer, after your max tuition is met regardless of if you drop or fail those courses.

Additionally, some students have a maximum number of courses per calendar year that are eligible to receive UOPX tuition assistance. Any course you start, regardless of whether you drop or fail it, counts toward your maximum number of eligible courses within a calendar year.

What are my schedule options to ensure I’m maximizing my benefit?

To review your scheduling options, please contact the financial services department.